Saturday, February 11, 2012

Should the Catholic Church offer Contraceptives?

This image has been circulating around the internet, an opinion of "Doctors for America". It argues that contraception should be provided at no-cost by the Catholic Church.

I TOTALLY DISAGREE! The fallacy of this argument is the presumption that "women and their doctors (will not) be allowed to make contraceptive decisions based on medical reasons and personal beliefs" IF the Catholic Church doesn't pay for it. This is hogwash. Since 98% of Catholic women (so it is claimed) practice contraception anyway, the only women's issue here is, "who is obligated to pay for it". The HHS ruling amounts to, "…in all fairness to non-believers, the Catholic Church is obligated to endorse the secular choices of believers and non-believers equally". The operative word here is "endorse" which amounts to "paying for it". It's the same form of "endorsement" used when Catholics tithe into the collection plate to support the Church's beliefs.

- I'm not a Catholic but I am a Christian and I understand that "grace" is OFFERED, not mandated by a secular progressive government.

- If religious conservatives can "Stay Out of Your Uterus", then secular progressives can "Stay Out of Their Collection Plate".

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