Saturday, February 11, 2012

Should the Catholic Church offer Contraceptives?

This image has been circulating around the internet, an opinion of "Doctors for America". It argues that contraception should be provided at no-cost by the Catholic Church.

I TOTALLY DISAGREE! The fallacy of this argument is the presumption that "women and their doctors (will not) be allowed to make contraceptive decisions based on medical reasons and personal beliefs" IF the Catholic Church doesn't pay for it. This is hogwash. Since 98% of Catholic women (so it is claimed) practice contraception anyway, the only women's issue here is, "who is obligated to pay for it". The HHS ruling amounts to, "…in all fairness to non-believers, the Catholic Church is obligated to endorse the secular choices of believers and non-believers equally". The operative word here is "endorse" which amounts to "paying for it". It's the same form of "endorsement" used when Catholics tithe into the collection plate to support the Church's beliefs.

- I'm not a Catholic but I am a Christian and I understand that "grace" is OFFERED, not mandated by a secular progressive government.

- If religious conservatives can "Stay Out of Your Uterus", then secular progressives can "Stay Out of Their Collection Plate".

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Should we buy products made in China?

In one word, “yes” we should buy all the Chinese products we can afford while there’s still time to get them at the artificially low prices they’re offered. At the same time, we should “return” all the Chinese products that don’t work or meet our standards, to the stores where we bought them.
My wife and I bought three (3) Oster brand bread makers made in China, as Christmas gifts. ($69.00 each at Bed Bath & Beyond was further reduced to $55.00 each.) The clerk at BB&B said, “You can return them if they don’t work.”…that was telling.
We and our kids each opened and used our Osters with the same result, collapsed and burnt loaves. Back to the store they went (all 3), and we bought Panasonics ($119) and a Zojurushi ($225), both also made in China. They however work beautifully. The bread is excellent.
Let’s face it, we all own many, many products from China, some that work amazingly well, some that don’t work at all, some that were dead on arrival. But let’s be honest, we all own more “stuff” than we ever could have afforded if our stuff was made in America.
What if every American owned all the “stuff” they wanted and didn’t really need anything else? This is not only possible, it’s inevitable. I’m 65 and I don’t need much more. We enjoy cooking and we own every kitchen tool you could imagine. We own enough televisions, enough cell phones, enough computers, enough furniture. What does China have to offer us, AFTER we’ve accumulated what we need?
Here-in lays the answer to understanding the threat of Chinese goods and reconciling our own jobless economy in America.
Have you ever bought a product that was “dead on arrival”, that didn’t perform out of the box? Although you were angry, did you take the loss because returning it was more expensive than the cost? Remember when products were serviceable. If they broke you could order parts and repair them. Those days are over. Now we simply purchase blind and hope we’re lucky. If not, we just throw them away and take the loss.
Stop doing that. Instead, review every product on line and choose the best. Require a “no questions asked warranty” on everything you buy. Return everything that doesn’t work. Drive the manufacturers of bad products out of the business of making junk. If that policy is good enough for America, it’s good enough for China.
Panasonic and Zojurushi are Japanese companies who apparently exploit China’s work force while requiring Japanese (visa-vi US) quality (an engineering acumen learned from America).
In Sept to Oct of 2011 America imported $28-Billion more (principally consumer goods), than it exported (principally soy beans and petroleum products) to China.
Though the deficit Is alarming, it means that China is holding $28 Billion that it has to “cash in” in American goods at some point. The other alternative of course is to loan their surplus holdings of US dollars back to America, a policy that’s very good for China and very bad for the US. In effect, it converts the balance of payments (trade deficit) into Chinese ownership of American soil. Remember when the surge of Japanese industry displaced our auto industry in the 80’s? They came to America with all that cash and bought property and industries.
My point:
If America stops borrowing its own money back from China, and starts returning defective goods, China will be forced to spend their American dollars on American products and services. In turn, America needs to focus on innovation and new product development, to produce the new millennium of technology the world needs. There’s two sides to the “If we build it, they will come” game. China’s game strategy is to take over all the time-honored technologies (consumer goods and expired-patent products). Let ‘em do it! Good for them, good for us. If you need a new refrigerator, get it now while the price is right.
America’s game strategy should be to patent and develop new and very expensive over-the-top technology, charging AMERICAN prices and hiring American workers to build those technologies. If we build it, China will come. It has to if it wants to sell its products in the US, plain and simple, it can’t use those American dollars for anything else (like buying American assets or lending American money).
What our government is doing wrong?
1) We’re spending more money on their goods than China is spending on ours.
2) Then we’re borrowing the money back at interest.
3) Then we’re trying to tax American business to make up the deficit.
What is American business doing wrong?
1) We’re exporting our innovation instead of our products. We’re enabling China (via US multinational formations) to innovate and develop the new millennium of world class products in China.
Why is American business going to China?
1) China offers a better stimulus package to our businesses than our current government offers.
So, prepare yourself. Buy everything you absolutely need now, but only if it works and only if you can afford it. Then find out how you can invest yourself in America’s new technologies. Those are the "jobs" of our future, not building refrigerators.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why are Americans Protesting?

Jay Dobyns, ATF Special Agent and insider during the "Fast and Furious" failed gun-runing operation spoke on Fox News today, saying that the agency (ATF) put guns in the hands of Mexican Narco-terroroists on purpose, then used the dead body count to trace the path of the weapon distribution. If this is true there is blood on the hands of every administrator in the agency who authorized the operation. As of today, no one in the ATF knows who authorized this and the top man, Eric Holder claims he knew nothing about it.
Summary: The US spent over a milliion dollars arming drug lords on our side of the border so they could go back to Mexico and kill hundreds of people. The ATF traced the guns by observing the murders committed with them, gathered the data and passed it upward to "nobody", and nowhere in that process did anyone devise, authorize or administer the operation. As weill, the head of the Justice Dept, Attorney General Erick Holder under Barack Obama, would have had to sign off on the operation, but didn't because he didn't know about it. Therefore it is nobody's fault and no one is to blame.
AND......The ATF did not tell the Border Patrol they did this, nor did they tell the government of Mexico. One of our Border Patrol was killed by one of the weapons, which is why the issue even came up, otherwise it might have stayed swept under the rug.
No wonder we're "Occupying" everywhere. Even as a conservative, I certainly can't blame Americans for taking to the streets. This country is falling apart, not only financially, but morally.
Allan Bloom wrote the book, "The Closing of the American Mind" in 1987. His thesis was that Americans, in their effort to NOT discriminate, have become "indiscriminant", unable to recognize "Right" from "Wrong". It's 25 years later and this conclusions are truer today than when he wrote them. We have let banks, governments, foreign countries, and religious extremists actually guilt us into thinking, 1) They are right, 2) Their actions are justified, and, 3) WE OWE THEM SOMETHING. . . . God Help Us !

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Study: Many Americans Will Not Be Able to Retire Until Their 80s

Consider this article by Lou Dobbs at

Dobbs says, “Baby boomers have been a highly irresponsible generation, absolutely failing to save and provide for their children in many ways as previous generations have. And, now just about 55 percent of all members of the baby boomer generation are saying ‘our children will never have lives as good as ours.’”

I generally like you, Lou...but you are a champion of the obvious !!

Isn't it true that on average 50% of our children will do better than average, and 50% will do worse than average?

Are you suggesting that 50% may reach an astounding 55% (based on the conjecture of their parents). Gawd, that is a truly amazing statistic...thanks for keeping us informed.

By the way, the previous generation fought a war for our sake, then saved for the future. Our generation ushered in the age of technology, communication, the medias, calculators, computers, the internet. I have to ask how you measure whether our kids are better off. Would you rather have the cash?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Waiting For The Magical Moment of Universal Equality To Happen In America

This is my comment to Nicholas Kristof, liberal columnist for the NYTimes
Regarding his article on June 4, 2011 - "Our Fantacy Nation: Where Tea Party budget policies may take us".
(find his article at:
6/12/2011, 9:22 AM

Mr. Kristof -
- So...if you resent the "wealthy" for living in gated communities, paying for their own security and private short, for their ability to pay their own way...
- resent the "wealthy" for paying the lowest short, for their unwillingness to pay your way....
- Then, simply put...your argument is to redistribute all their wealth to you...or for the sake of you...
- (our nation) are broke, busted, out of money, no longer able to make the lives of the poor magical, without borrowing to do it.
- are willing to do at all cost...
- And...currently that cost is interest paid to China, collateralized by America's remaining assets.
- So...while you argue that our remaining wealth should be distributed to the poor,...
- are redistributing that wealth to China...
- wait for your magical moment of universal equality to happen in America.

Our country has always been a great nation because it was capitalistically driven AND socially conscious. It had both, economic and social accountability. We need both.

The current administration, fueled by the liberal media (that's you), is killing the economic engine that would create the tax nipple upon which you wish to suck.

While this administration is stimulating the unemployed in order to create jobs ("Pelosi"an Economics), American businesses have gone off shore wholly because Asia offers a better stimulus package to American business than America offers.

You laugh that the only fiscally and theologically conservative country that fits the Tea Party model is Pakistan. Then you assure us that, "...of course America will never become another Pakistan." Well let me asure you that without an economic engine to drive America, nor a manufacturing base, it most certainly will become another Pakistan (different religion, same overpopulated agricultural economy, banks reduced to depository banking only, credit-driven economy eliminated and what few "wealthy" do exist will live in gated communities and provide their own security and private education.

...and you, Mr. Kristof, will still be sitting at your desk, pontificating about the magical moment of universal equality that's just over the horizon.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Netanyahu Makes Sense

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, visited the US this last week. He spoke to the nation along side of President Obama, spoke to the US Congress and spoke on several news talk shows.

In this interview with Shawn Hannity on Fox News, Netanyahu made several compelling observations (paraphrased):

1) There are 300 million Muslims in the Middle East region. Only 1 million of them live in complete freedom where they are free to worship as they wish, free to protest, free to congregate or to travel at will. They have total freedom of speech, equality with all other citizens, equal voting rights and total religious freedom. They live in Israel.

2) The world is asking Israel to acknowlege Palestine as a separate and sovereign nation with the unequivable right to exist. Israel is being asked to negotiate with Palestine, all the issues (borders, trade, etc.) to establish Palestine's soverenty.

Israel has asked Palestine to acknowlege Israel as a separate and sovereign nation with the unequivable right to exist. Palestine is NOT willing to make that concession.

Netanyhu rightfully points out to the world (and to President Obama in particular), that, " can not negotiate with anyone who seeks to destroy you. Until Palestine is willing to accept Israel as a sovereign country, there is no basis for an agreement with Palestine."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Senator Ted Kennedy (2/22/32 – 8/25/09)

Barack Obama has called Senator Edward Kennedy the "greatest legislator of our time". His tenure of 46 years in the Senate was longer than the life of his brother John F. Kennedy.

As with most successful politicians, Ted Kennedy chose his battles well, championing the inevitable with great "vigor".

He lived long enough to see most of his legislation passed and enacted. Unfortunately, he has not lived long enough to see how it would be paid for.

Before Kennedy died, he passed the torch to Barak Obama, claiming Obama was, "ready to lead on day one (of his presidency)". As of this writing it's "day 222" and our country is $2 trillion farther in debt.