Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why are Americans Protesting?

Jay Dobyns, ATF Special Agent and insider during the "Fast and Furious" failed gun-runing operation spoke on Fox News today, saying that the agency (ATF) put guns in the hands of Mexican Narco-terroroists on purpose, then used the dead body count to trace the path of the weapon distribution. If this is true there is blood on the hands of every administrator in the agency who authorized the operation. As of today, no one in the ATF knows who authorized this and the top man, Eric Holder claims he knew nothing about it.
Summary: The US spent over a milliion dollars arming drug lords on our side of the border so they could go back to Mexico and kill hundreds of people. The ATF traced the guns by observing the murders committed with them, gathered the data and passed it upward to "nobody", and nowhere in that process did anyone devise, authorize or administer the operation. As weill, the head of the Justice Dept, Attorney General Erick Holder under Barack Obama, would have had to sign off on the operation, but didn't because he didn't know about it. Therefore it is nobody's fault and no one is to blame.
AND......The ATF did not tell the Border Patrol they did this, nor did they tell the government of Mexico. One of our Border Patrol was killed by one of the weapons, which is why the issue even came up, otherwise it might have stayed swept under the rug.
No wonder we're "Occupying" everywhere. Even as a conservative, I certainly can't blame Americans for taking to the streets. This country is falling apart, not only financially, but morally.
Allan Bloom wrote the book, "The Closing of the American Mind" in 1987. His thesis was that Americans, in their effort to NOT discriminate, have become "indiscriminant", unable to recognize "Right" from "Wrong". It's 25 years later and this conclusions are truer today than when he wrote them. We have let banks, governments, foreign countries, and religious extremists actually guilt us into thinking, 1) They are right, 2) Their actions are justified, and, 3) WE OWE THEM SOMETHING. . . . God Help Us !

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